ALL ROADS is the first asphalt paving company in Western Canada to implement a trio of new technologies in municipal and highway paving projects: 1) The SmoothRide, a road resurfacing solution from Topcon Positioning Systems, 2) the Notch Wedge Safety System from Willow Designs, and 3) Intelligent Compaction technology. With these, ALL ROADS is able to deliver precision paving, milling, and curb and gutter construction that consistently meet the highest tolerances.
News and Events
New Westminster was incorporated in 1860, which makes it one of the oldest cities in British Columbia. Suitably to its age, there are lots of abandoned old underground utilities and we are discovering plenty of those last-century pipes as we progress through our project.
News and Events
The year of 5's - 5 years in the making, the year 2025, and an upgrade to 5 asphalt storage silos totaling 1,000 tonnes. A project to expand our asphalt plant is currently underway and with 2 new silos and a massive oil tank added, All Roads Asphalt Plant set to have the largest storage capacity in the Vancouver area.
News and Events
Recently we completed a roundabout construction at 132 St and 60 Ave intersection in Surrey. Nothing is special and unique about this project as we’ve built many similar jobs in the past 6 years. However, many friendly gestures we’ve received from local residents & drivers as we worked there have elevated this project to our list of favorites!
This is currently the cleanest Asphalt plant in Canada, on all levels, and we hereby challenge all of our Competitors in the Industry to rise to this new standard!