When sincere “Thank You” gestures from local drivers mean everything to us!

January 22, 2025

Recently we completed a roundabout construction at 132 St and 60 Ave intersection in Surrey. Nothing is special and unique about this project as we’ve built many similar jobs in the past 6 years. However, many friendly gestures we’ve received from local residents & drivers as we worked there have elevated this project to our list of favorites!

On a recent breezy January day, our drone operator was doing an aerial documenting of this recently-completed project for our work-quality accountability. While our drone was buzzing at 15 feet above the ground, he was greeted with a gentleman whom introduced himself as Ravi. He said he was a local resident who lives just a few houses down from the intersection.

“I just wanted to say ‘Thank You’ for making this intersection a neighborhood-friendly roadway and it has already proven to be not just time-saving for drivers, but most importantly, much safer for all of us”, said Ravi. “It is a very busy intersection where 1,000 plus cars cross it every hour and it was a safety concern for local residents for a long time”.

On this project we did storm and sanitary upgrades with the help of Richco Contracting. Street lighting (Bay Hill Contracting) and landscaping (Blue Pine Enterprises) upgrades were also carried out through winter months. All Roads then completed road upgrades, by milling out existing roads, widening the roads, installing new curbs, roads, MUPs (multi use paths), bike lanes, sidewalks and driveways.

The icing on the cake came when we received a casual email from Mr. Randy Brar from the City of Surrey’s Engineering Project Lead and Project Delivery.

“Just wanted to share some positive feedback from a resident about the new roundabout at 132 Street & 60 Avenue. They were really impressed and wanted to express thanks to everyone involved in the project. It's great to hear such appreciation from the community, and it's a testament to the hard work and dedication from the entire team in delivering this project successfully”, Mr. Brar’s email reads.

Evidently, a local resident (we suspect that it was Mr. Ravi) emailed to the City of Surrey’s Engineering Department the following:

“Compliments to the engineering department for installing a new traffic circle at the intersection of 132 St and 60 Ave. Although not completely finished, the benefits to safe and efficient traffic flow are obvious. The previous traffic circle installed at 136 St and 60 Ave was a good early attempt, but the later version is much superior. I would encourage the engineering team to continue with further installation of traffic circles in Surrey. I see a new traffic circle is planned for Port Kells. Certainly a sign the City is continuing to move in t a positive direction.”

''As the projects progress at different locations, we are working closely with Metro Vancouver, FortisBC and BC Hydro due to Major Utility Infrastructures (MUI) running through the 90th Ave land 92nd Ave locations'', says Jesse Sewall, the project superintendent.

Per this contract we are also building 2 new roundabouts and updating one existing intersection:

Click here to view this page online with additional details.

5645 199 St, Langley, BC V3A 1H9

Tel: 604.227.5400
Fax : 604.882.8224

Website: www.allroadsconstruction.com