GPS, LPS & PaveLink Set-up for Scanning, Design and Real time tracking including load times, truck travel routes, asphalt usage, mat temperature, rolling pattens and densities.
Port Mann Bridge to Golden Ears Way, Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure
Project #: 221298
Contract Value: $16,735,665.65
Status: Completed
Start Date: Spring 2022
Completion Date: Winter 2023
Project Scope Highlights:
80,482 Metric Tonnes of Asphalt Paving
171,295m2 of Full/Variable Depth Asphalt Milling
4038 MT of OGFC
24,506 LM of Concrete Barrier Removal & Replacement
9 Crash Attenuators
Extensive Quality Assurance
Full GPS LPS Milling, Paving & PaveLink
Extensive Traffic Management & Control
Project Associate(s):
Kontur Geotechnical
Eagle West Truck & Crane
Client Information:
Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure Vincent Ong - Project Manager T: 236-862-0601
Project Supervisor Information:
Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure Renato Suarez - Ministry Representative - Paving T: 778-621-2030