SmoothRide, Intelligent Compaction and a Notch Wedge Safety Joint will be used to Maximize Safety and provide a superior performing asphalt and ride. GPS Grading & Curb Used for Maximum Accuracy.
Design Build Joint Venture, Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure
Project #: 201123
Contract Value: $14,536,613.97
Status: Completed
Start Date: Winter 2021
Completion Date: Spring 2023
Project Scope Highlights:
80,000 Metric Tonnes of Asphalt Paving
Asphalt Milling
120,000m2 of Granular Base Preparation
5500 LM of Concrete Curb
3000 m2 of Concrete Flatwork Including Mountable Concrete Roundabouts
Extensive Quality Control and Quality Management
Project Associate(s):
Kontur Geotechnical
Eagle West Truck & Crane
Client Information:
PGC Adam Person - Project Director T: 780-217-5106
Project Supervisor Information:
PGC Alex Labelle - Roadworks Manager T: 604-312-5042