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All Roads in 2021

A year-end review of our successes and accomplishments for 2021.

All Roads Successfully Completes Its First 3D mmGPS Precision Milling Project at Vancouver Airport

West pad bays 1-9 rehabilitation project at Vancouver International Airport proves the millimeter-grade control milling and paving technology is the future.

All Roads continues to lead the industry in technology and we are one of only two companies in Canada that use precision paving and milling “mmGPS” technology on our equipment.

With that, we were able to follow and execute 3D Computer Automated Design (CAD) file created by Lafarge Canada for the pad bays rehabilitation project at the Vancouver International Airport.

ALL ROADS not only mobilized our equipment and crew within days’ notice, the project went extremely well. We achieved our goals of milling with the required precision and completed the job on time and under budget.

All Roads Construction Wins BC Government's Contractor of the Year Award for 2020

  • Project: Asphalt Resurfacing - Highway 1: Willingdon to Burnaby
  • Location: Highway 1 between the Willingdon Avenue interchange and the Gaglardi Way interchange
  • Contract Amount: $7.4 million The section of Highway 1 from the Willingdon to Gaglardi

Interchanges in Burnaby was assessed as requiring resurfacing and the remediation of deficiencies in the riding surface. This project saw Highway 1 receive an overlay of 50 millimetres of asphalt from the Willingdon to Gaglardi Interchanges and included milling, paving, utility adjustments, barrier removal and replacement, as well as the reinstatement of lane lines and reflectors.

All Roads Construction Ltd.’s traffic management procedures ensured the safe movement of traffic through the work zone. The smooth-ride system was introduced to improve ride in one pass of asphalt, which resulted in increased productivity and minimal impact to traffic. All Roads Construction utilized the notched safety wedge to enhance safety and create a durable pavement edge and the intelligent compaction system on the breakdown roller to improve mix density.

All Roads Contruction Ltd. prioritized traffic management and environmental sensitivity, as they ensured petrochemicals from the site were not introduced into a nearby fish habitat and lake ecosystem. All Roads Construction Ltd. worked with Project Manager Doug Hyde and Ministry Representative Jason Jackson to complete the project on budget and on time.

Highway 1 Resurfacing Project: BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure

Highway 1 between Willingdon Ave. interchange and Gaglardi Way interchange, an area of the highway with average daily traffic of 90,000 vehicles. The project is deemed by The Ministry to be a success and was completed on-time and within budget.

All Roads Asphalt Plant remains one of the Cleanest in Canada

This video highlights All Roads efforts to lead the Asphalt Industry into a new improved environmentally sustainable future.

It challenges all other Asphalt Producers to improve their plants. To create more green spaces on their sites and to reduce their overall site emissions.

How a New Highway is Built in British Columbia

ALL ROADS is proud to be the Concrete Works, Grading and Paving Subcontractor for the Pacific Gateway Constructors General Partnership. This Design-Build project is upgrading Highway 91, Highway 17 and the Highway 91 Connector in the Province of British Columbia, Canada, with approximately 80,000 tonnes of new asphalt paved in 3 lifts.

All Roads Annual Family BBQ 2021

Variable Depth Milling on Highway 1

ALL ROADS uses its two asphalt milling machines in echelon on Highway 1 in British Columbia.

All Roads Construction Makes History in BC with its 4-Pavers in Echelon on Hwy 1 Paving Project

All Roads Moves Into Its New and Bigger Home

All Roads Asphalt Plant: Entire Construction Process Timelapse

This impressive timelapse of over a month's period shows how this state of the art asphalt plant in Vancouver, British Columbia, was built.

Trans Canada Highway Project with SmoothRide Technology

Watch how All Roads Construction in British Columbia used SmoothRide to design and resurface 48 miles (78 Km) of highway with minimal lane closures and challenging conditions. The combination of people, new technology, and design intentions provides you a high level overview of modern asphalt paving today.

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